Sometimes, it seems to me that execs are hired, while entrepreneurs are “called.” Both gigs can come with risk, and be incredibly rewarding, but when one feels called to a venture, they may have to dig a little deeper. That’s exactly what Amanda Moriuchi did in 2019, when she was moved to cash out everything she’d accumulated after nearly two decades of experience working with premier startups, Fortune 500 companies, government agencies, and nonprofits to acquire Appit Ventures. It was a huge gamble on tech and held the future of her family, including husband Aaron, a firefighter, and their children. And this was without forewarning of a lil thing called the pandemic lurking around the corner.
Four years later, Amanda is the driving force behind one of the most successful female-owned tech development firms in the world. She wears her passion for helping clients access and apply the breakthrough benefits of technology on her sleeve.
To Amanda, if technology is the question, AppIt is the answer.
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Amanda believes that as CEO, her own leadership style is a direct reflection of her family, both in the way she was raised and in the way she and Aaron are raising their own children. “I’m the mom that is always engaging with my kids and their friends at their level,” she says. “Playing in the pool, jumping on the trampoline, or just kneeling down so we can actually converse face to face makes a big difference. Not just for them but for me as well. It’s amazing what you learn about life and about yourself when you meet people where they are.”
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